API Key Application

Applying for an Api Key

Register an account normally at https://chainbot.io/ and purchase a Pro user membership. Provide the email associated with the account to the team for application. Each account will be assigned a client_id and secret_key.

Authentication Method

The authentication method is Base Auth, i.e., Basic: base64(client_id:secret_key) as the Authorization.


For example, if the assigned client_id is test_client_id and the secret_key is test_secret_key,

then base64(test_client_id:test_secret_key) = dGVzdF9jbGllbnRfaWQ6dGVzdF9zZWNyZXRfa2V5

The code for sending the request is

curl "https://api.chainbot.io" \
     -H 'Authorization: Basic dGVzdF9jbGllbnRfaWQ6dGVzdF9zZWNyZXRfa2V5'

Last updated