
Telegram Push Types

For push notifications of types 1 User, 2 Group, 3 Channel, messages are sent through ChainBot's official Telegram Bot.

For type 4 Bot, you can configure a TG Bot branded for yourself, allowing you to spread it to more individuals, groups, and channels.

How to Set Up User?

  1. Choose Chat Type as User.

  2. Click Get Chat ID and it will redirect you to the Telegram app.

  3. After choosing "Start," you will receive a message from ChainBot that includes the Chat ID.

  4. Copy the Chat ID and fill it in the ChainBot platform.

Got your Chat ID

How to Set Up Group?

  1. Choose Chat Type as Group.

  2. Add the ChainBot bot to the Group.

  3. Groups are divided into Private and Public types, first confirm the type of Group.

  4. If it's a Private Group, you need to fill in the Chat ID with a minus sign, e.g., -123456.

  5. If it's a Public Group, you need to fill in the Group Name with an @ symbol, e.g., @chainbot_group.

  6. Copy the Chat ID with a minus sign or the Group Name with @ symbol and fill it in on the ChainBot platform.

Adding the ChainBot Bot to the Group

Confirming the Type of Group

Getting the Chat ID or Group Name

You need to open Telegram on the web,

Get the Group Name of the Public Group from the web URL, e.g., @chainbot_public_group

Get the Chat ID of the Private Group from the web URL, e.g., -811463215

Fill in the Chat ID or Group Name on the ChainBot platform

How to Set Up Channel?

  1. Choose Chat Type as Channel (steps are the same as Group).

  2. Add the ChainBot bot to the Channel, and set it as an admin (steps are the same as Group).

  3. Channels are divided into Private and Public types, messages can only be pushed to Public Channels, first confirm the Channel type (steps are the same as Group).

  4. If it's a Public Channel, you need to fill in the Channel Name with an @ symbol, e.g., @chainbot_channel (steps are the same as Group).

How to Set Up Bot

  1. First, you need to create your own Telegram Bot. Refer to Telegram's official tutorial.

  2. After creating your own Bot using BotFather, you will see the API Token for this Bot. Or, you can choose the recently created Bot again from the /mybots menu command to view this API Token.

  3. Copy the API Token, return to ChainBot, choose "Bot" as Chat Type, and paste the API Token in the corresponding input box. Click Save.

  4. After saving successfully, you can control whether your Bot pushes messages in the current chat session using the /start and /stop commands. For example, you can add this Bot to a group, and as an admin, send the /start command in the group. The TG Bot will then send your monitoring messages in the group.

Last updated